Tuesday, May 10, 2005


....... but then, what week IS a good week for turning your child over to the government to be educated?


Dacula High School, Gwinnett County, GeorgiaYou heard about this last week on the show, and you saw Larry Nease on CNN this morning. "Doc" Nease is a science teacher at Dacula High School. For the past 10 years or more Doc has had a policy in his classrooms that if you fall asleep or disrupt the class you will get a zero for your class work for that day, or your grade will be cut drastically. Little Wesley, the football player, fell asleep in class. In fact, after an assignment was handed out Wesley the Football Player just put his head down on his desk and went to sleep. He did his assignment that night and handed it in the next day, as was allowed. But he got his zero. Wesley the Football Player's Daddy came to school to complain. Did the principal stand by the teacher? Nope. Did the Gwinnett County School Board stand by the teacher? Nope. Doc Nease was fired. Twenty-three years teaching, and he was fired because he fulfilled a promise he made to his class -- in writing -- that if you fall asleep in class you can get a zero for that day's work. The dictate from the teacher was included in a class syllabus that all students had to sign. I'm told that our football player's parents also signed the syllabus. No matter. You just don't screw with high school football players. Spencer High School, Columbus, GeorgiaYou've heard about this one too. Spencer High School. Columbus, Georgia is a heavy-military area, home to Ft. Benning. Kevin's mother is an Army Sergeant. She's in Iraq. Kevin is in Spencer High School. Kevin's mom calls him on his cell phone ... from Iraq. It's lunch break at the high school, so Kevin goes outside to take the call. One of our wonderful government teachers sees him and demands he hang up. He explains that his mom has called from Iraq. This matters none to the teacher. She demands he hang up and tries to grab the phone. In the tussle the call is disconnected. The teacher starts marching Kevin to the principal's office. His mother calls back. They refuse to allow him to take the call. He gets belligerent. Who the hell wouldn't? He knows his mom is in dangerous territory. She could die that afternoon in an insurgent attack. He wants to talk to her ... they won't allow him to answer the phone. End result? He gets suspended for 10 days. That suspension has now been reduced to three days ... all due to public outrage.Bow High School, Bow, New HampshireIsabel Gottlieb is a great student. She plays in the school band. She is taking advanced placement classes. Things like calculus and biology. She isn't going to be allowed to graduate with her class. Why? Because she didn't take a required PE class. Physical Education. She holds varsity letters in three sports at Bow High School, but she didn't take this particular PE class. She was told that in order to graduate she would have to drop one of her advanced placement classes and replace it with the PE class. She said no. Now she isn't going to get her diploma. There is no PE class offered during summer school, so that means she might not be able to go to college next Fall. Trinity College in Hartford, CT comes to the rescue. She will take her GED test over the summer and Trinity has accepted her for the Fall semester. These kinds of idiocy can only happen at the hands of government. All of these incidents .. and don't we all know that there are so many more .. happened in government schools .. and all within the last week.There are several things that must happen in our nation is going to survive ... and survival is by no means guaranteed. One of those things is that the American people need to come to the realization that it is counterproductive to the cause of freedom and economic liberty to turn out children over to the government to be educated. Year after year the quality of education in this country goes down. These government schools are under the full and complete grip of the largest, most powerful and most feared union in this nation .. The National Education Association. There was a reason why Karl Marx insisted that government control over education was an essential step in bringing about the communist state. Government education is no less necessary to the growth of government power today than it was then.



At 12:45 PM, Blogger SSG_E said...

Most government schools are a joke. Wastelands where children are indoctrinated, not taught. Most public schools suck, and there are very few exceptions. My school was not too bad, but I went to school in small town Iowa where we actually had good teachers and there were good student:teacher ratios.


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