Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Epler Effect Breaks Its First Ever Exclusive Story

Toothless Aggression:
Is it just me or are the rights of hard working people in this country getting crushed? I don't want to sound like a crazy lefty who thinks the world is out to get them, but have you noticed employers are getting away with more now than in the past few years? We have all heard about the company who fired its employees for being smokers,(see Alton Blair's post "You Will Be Next" here on the Effect.) and the Atlantic City casino that told its wait staff (all female) they must not gain weight or they will be fired. I have learned from a very reliable source that another casino in Iowa is considering firing employees for not having proper dental work done. I cannot believe a company who doesn't offer a free dental plan that would cover 100% of the dental work required to meet compliance would require such a thing. I remember a few years ago it was enough to show up for work, do a good job, and get along with your boss and those people were considered excellent employees. Now it appears we are basing performance on looks and style.What do you want to bet (pun intended) Crest has people working on its assembly line who are missing teeth. I don't know what can be done about these companies overstepping their bounds, but we better have some sort of plan in place because it's getting worse everyday. I know what your thinking (that's right I'm psychic) "why don't these people sue" right? Well, unfortunately the people mostly being targeted are hard working people who are making under $15,000 a year and can't afford dental work much less a lawyer. I am in contact with the source of this story so any serious suggestions would be appreciated.

Alton Blair
This is an Epler Effect Exclusive



At 11:57 PM, Blogger SSG_E said...

and apparently no one cares


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