Thursday, August 25, 2005

I Got Tagged

Greta tagged Chris with this game of numbers and Chris in turn tagged me. So here I go:

10 years ago: I was a dork in High School. I lived in Sidney, Iowa which is a very small town whose only claim to fame is the largest outdoor rodeo in the state held there every summer. I spent most of my time being a stupid kid, playing football, and wishing I was somewhere else.

5 years ago: I was still a stupid kid in some ways, but now I was in the U.S. Army stationed at Ft. Stewart, GA. My wife was pregnant with our first son and we were barely making it because neither of us really knew what we were doing out on our own in the world. We got a crash course in life.

1 year ago: I was just out of the Army. We moved back to Iowa and I took a crappy job. We moved into a crappy rental house that we are finally planning to move out of.

1 day ago: Was my wife's first day working for the State of Iowa where she now makes more money than I do for the first time since we have been married. I was training a new guy at work and recovering from a hangover from the night before because I foolishly let myself get talked into going out to the bar after work.

5 Favorite Snacks: Tough one, but here some things I like-
pie, especially cherry and apple. I like pie. Pie is good.
salt and vinegar chips, there's a brand I can't find here in Iowa called Tom's. They were the best.
sandwiches, especially roast beef. Or I just eat luchmeat on its own, its all good.
red diamond sweet tea. I'm addicted.
fudge bars. I can eat 'em by the box, so I try not to buy them.

5 Songs I know the words to:
name (googoo dolls)
love me when I'm gone (3doors down)
you shook me all night long (ac/dc)
one headlight (wallflowers)
red, white, and blue (Toby Keith)

What I would do with Five Million Dollars:
invest and turn into 5 billion dollars
run for president and win
save country
save world
give it all away after securing comfortable lifestyle for my family and friends.
(who wants a new house!)

5 Places I would escape to for a while:
Hawaii, because my wife is Hawaiian.
I'd visit places I was stationed while I was in the Army like S. Korea and Iraq.
any vast wilderness
space, the final frontier
in the desert on a horse with no name or was it mane?

5 Things I would not wear: (despite the fact that I got a sweet ass)
vinyl pants
biker shorts

5 Favorite T.V. Programs: I only watch TV occassionally, but when I do I like to try and see-
Family Guy
O'Reilly Factor
Breaking Vegas or similar shows on Discovery Channel, History Channel, etc.
Real Time w/ Bill Maher, to laugh at the ignorance and insanity of the left.

5 Greatest Joys:
wife and kids
Mom and other family
my time in the US military. I miss it so....

5 Favorite Toys:
xbox: KOTOR and KOTOR 2, or other SW games, and football games and 1st person shooters.
books? (if that counts)
okay, I can't think of much else so......bye.

5 People I will Tag to play:
Don Singleton
and I'll try to get some people at work to do this in the comments section.
it may or may not add up to 5 so there.



At 12:49 AM, Blogger DhiRAj SinGh said...

Read your stuff on Iraq and Cindy Sheehan. Guess I agree with the bit about soldiers' honour etc and also that some people in Iraq are HAPPY with the Americans. But pray tell me what is the greater wisdom of this GAME America keeps playing across the world. Where peoples, countries and movements are first armed in the name of freedom and liberty and then invaded in the name of the same values. America to me is this amazing brilliance turned on its head, transformed into this forest fire that knows no logic.
Visit me at

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Christopher Lee said...


1) I could have done without knowing about your sweet ass.

2) I think we have Tom's chips here in Oklahoma.

3) Hooray roast beef. If I let myself, I could eat a whole pack of it just by itself.

4) Space. That's a good one. Wish I would have thought of it. Been watching a lot of Star Trek lately.

At 10:16 AM, Blogger Don Singleton said...

I have already been tagged. In August 27 Greta tagged Chris and Chris in turn tagged Epler with this game of numbers, and he tagged me. I tagged Michelle Malkin, Anchoress, LaShawn Barber, Michael Bates, and Danny Carlton


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