Friday, March 25, 2005

Culture of Life or Death

When I first began hearing the case surrounding Terry Schiavo I thought it was best she be allowed to die peacefully. That is until I came across some very disturbing facts. The incident that left her in this state was very suspicious and was actually treated like a homicide at first. According to the family, Terry was planning to leave her husband and her family pleaded that she not return home that night. She did and the next day she was found lying face down on the floor. There are affidavits by nurses and friends of both Terry and the husband, including a girlfriend he had a year after the incident that disputes many of his claims. The girlfriend stated that he did not know what Terry's wishes would be. Nurses are on record stating that he said things like: " is the bitch dead yet?". A nurse that cared for her for 18 months said she was able to get her to eat, until Michael Schiavo found out and had her ordered to stop and only feed her via the tubes. The doctor that diagnosed her as "vegetative" saw her for only 45 minutes and is on record stating that people in comas, etc. Have no rights. Michael Schivao's lawyer is some ACLU slimeball, which is reason enough for me to cast doubt on anything either of them say. Terry has not been properly cared for because of her husband. She has not even gotten an MRI. She has not been allowed to receive any rehabilitation, despite claims by a neurologist who spent 10 hours with her that said she could be helped. Another neurologist from the Mayo clinic said, only days ago, that she has been misdiagnosed and is not in a vegetative state. Terry reportedly had several unexplained broken bones when first taken to the hospital. Michael claimed she had a seizure. Her condition was caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. There is just too much about this case that smells and it needs to be investigated. Why does the husband insist that she is to be cremated immediately after her death? That cannot be her wishes, as he claims, because Terry was a devout Catholic that wanted a traditional burial according to her parents. I don't think this is about a woman's life anymore. It is about our judicial branch of government. These arrogant judicial tyrants want to take power away from the elected branches and the people and this is a perfect opportunity for them to do so. It is a dangerous slope we are on as we come closer to accepting a culture of death. It is sad that it may soon be okay to kill anyone when they become an inconvenience to others. I hate throwing around the Nazi comparison, but the Nazis killed disabled people too. Maybe soon we can be like Denmark where children can be euthanized just by getting one doctor to sign off on it. There doesn't even have to be anything physically wrong with the child. A 14 year old was killed because he was suffering from "mental anguish". I for one think we should give Terry more time and investigate the possibility that her husband, who has lived with another woman in a common law marriage for ten years, may have done something to her. That is why he wants her dead, and that is why he wants her cremated, and that is why he has not allowed her to be treated and properly cared for. We should error on the side of life here. If the investigation exonerates the husband and if after some real attempts to help her recover fail then we can, with a clear conscience, allow her to die peacefully. There is no harm in making sure the person they are starving to death is really without hope of recovery and is not a victim of foul play.



At 3:24 PM, Blogger Ben said...

Nurses are on record stating that he said things like: " is the bitch dead yet?".

Can you provide a source mentioning this?

Michael Schivao's lawyer is some ACLU slimeball,

This coming from some who claims not to be skewed by ideology. Hmmm...

That cannot be her wishes, as he claims, because Terry was a devout Catholic that wanted a traditional burial according to her parents.

Where in Catholic Doctrine is cremation condemned?

At 12:05 PM, Blogger SSG_E said...

1. Affadavit signed by a nurse who cared for Terri Schiavo for 18 months.

2. I would think that even a liberal would be able to tell the difference between a persons opinion and a reported fact. In my opinion the ACLU is full of slimeballs. That is not to say they are all slimeballs. Here is a fact that supports my opinion that the ACLU is full of slimeballs: The ACLU defended NAMBLA- the North American Man-boy Love Association. That is a good definition of slimeball.

3. I am referring to early attempts by Michael Schiavo to prevent Terri from receiving last rights and communion. I am not saying that the Catholic faith is against cremation. I do not know I am not Catholic. Terri's parents insisted that she would want a traditional burial.

With so much conflicting evidence and so many issues in the case in dispute, the matter should have been vetted out thoroughly. There was no harm in allowing her to live. Everyone lost in this situation. Terri's dead. Michael will forever be seen as a villain. The Pro-life religious right appears fantical. The pro-death anti-religious left (ACLU) looks like a bunch of callous creeps celebrating Terri's death. (see George Felo's comments)
No one wins here. No one.
There was no harm in Michael stepping away and letting her family care for her. He could have said " I wanted to honor Terri's wishes, but for the greater good I will step aside and allow her family to take care of her.

As for any comments I have made saying the system failed here, I will step away from those a little.
Although it was wrong, the law and the system did what it was designed to do. The decisions made here may have been cold, callous, and in some eyes immoral but they were legal.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger SSG_E said...

Nurse recalls Schiavo asking, 'When is that bitch gonna die?'

Carla Sauer Iyer was a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) at the same convalescent center in the mid 1990s, and also cared for Terri. She described Mr. Schiavo as being "focused on Terri's death.

"Michael [Schiavo] would say, 'When is she going to die? Has she died yet?' and 'When is that bitch going to die?'" Iyer charged. "Other statements which I recall him making include, 'Can't anything be done to accelerate her death, won't she ever die?' When she wouldn't die, Michael [Schiavo] would be furious."

Conversely, Iyer said that when she would have to call Schiavo to inform him of a downturn in Terri's condition, Schiavo would be elated.


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