Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A New Democratic Iraq

Despite the best efforts of the terrorists, Democrats, and our media we can all be very proud of our troops who have brought freedom to the Iraqi people. Iraqis flocked to the polls under threat of death to vote in their first real democratic election in their history. Although the left in the country will deny this, it is a momentous turning point in history. You can count on our media to ignore or quickly gloss over our success in Iraq two days ago. You can also count on the Dems to downplay the elections as Kerry did on Meet the Press. Any good news or success story out of Iraq today is bad news to the Ted Kennedy-Babara Boxer wings of the Democratic Party. It is truly sad when we have portions of a political party in this country rooting for the bad guys. The Iraqi people gave terrorists the "finger" by voting and showing off their ink stained index fingers. The death promised by the terrorists was minimal, only about 40 people were killed. While tragic, this was hardly what was expected by our doom and gloom media. I guess the "insurgents", as the media loves to call them, let down their friends at CNN. This was truly a successful election, and quite possibly a turning point as now the terrorists know their days are numbered. The new mayor of Baghdad even stated that he would like to build a statue of George Bush in downtown Baghdad because Bush brought freedom to the Iraqi people. It's a nice idea, but I hope he waits a while because that would become the biggest terrorist target. I feel so full of pride and optimism that the Iraqis are taking their first steps into a brave new world of freedom and prosperity. It is amplified by the fact that I helped fight to bring them this opportunity. History will show that the sacrifices of our troops in Iraq were not in vain and that they helped shape a bright future for the Iraqis. If it were up to the liberals in this country, if it were left up to Ted "the hero" Kennedy, Saddam would still be filling up mass graves with his own people and Iraq would forever be sentenced to suffer in the Dark Ages.

William Epler



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