Wednesday, November 17, 2004


More Media Bias
by William James Epler

Well, as if our troops in Iraq didn't have enough to worry about, there is yet another threat to their safety and well-being. It is not enough that they face a determined enemy that has no honor and fights using innocent people as a shield and hides in Mosques. The brave warriors of the "religion of peace" and their Islamic Jihad run and hide, even dressing as women to avoid retribution at the hands of the noble and just American military fighting for peace, security, and a free Iraq. Aside from a threat of death or injury, there is the harsh desert conditions and separation from friends and family. Eating the same food everyday gets old too, trust me. Well now we have the same old media, and I am sick of it too. You know what, I do not care how much our media bashed the president during this past election. I can deal with that. However, to attack time and again the men and women fighting for our right to a free press, this I cannot stand. It sickens me to see the blatantly anti-American, anti-military media always siding with the terrorists. First it was the irresponsible reporting of the Abu-Ghraib scandal. The liberals in the media pounded that story to hurt Bush, but it hurt our military more. To characterize our nation's finest as criminals without any perspective was dishonest and unfair. The media continues to embolden our enemies by showing them that everytime our servicemen make a mistake, they will jump on the story. American media outlets are fighting the propaganda war for the enemy, and it looks like they are winning. Abu-Ghraib was an isolated breakdown of military procedure and ethics, one that has long since been rectified. The media, however, in their ongoing attempts to undermine our military and president kept running with it. Then there was the Al-QaaQa weapons facility. Supposedly, 380 tons of high explosives were missing. This again was a media attempt to hurt Bush, and again it only hurt our military by calling them incompetent. It is also suspiciously lacking perspective when you look at the fact that hundreds of millions of tons of weapons and explosives were destroyed or captured by our forces making the 380 tons almost irrelevant. We learn later that this facility was cleared out before our invasion and anything left was destroyed by 3rd Infantry Division Engineers. There is no level too low that our nation's elite media will not sink to in order to further their political agenda. Now it is in Fallujah and our troops fought extremely well, seizing the city far faster than anyone thought was possible. We suffered minimal casualties, although I believe one death is too many, while 1,200 terrorists were sent to visit Allah and take a desert dirt nap. This is bloody, hard, stressful combat. Non-stop, kill or be killed fighting. Terrorists that will kill a thousand innocent Iraqis just to kill one Marine against a fighting force that time and again have sacrificed American lives to prevent innocent Iraqis from dying. The enemy hides in Mosques, hospitals, among civilians, and use innocents as human shields. They booby trap their dead and wounded and use them in ambushes. Injured terrorists play dead only to try and jump up and surprise attack American troops. This is what they are up against. Now, enter a Marine who had been fighting for 24 hours straight. He was wounded the day prior, shot in the face during a fire fight. His platoon is clearing a room. Knowing the tactics employed by the enemy in recent days, he is very cautious when approaching apparently dead or wounded enemy combatants lying on the floor. One of the bodies he sees makes a move. Now he has a choice to make. He can take the chance that it is simply a wounded enemy writhing in pain and hope he is not armed, and hope he does not detonate a bomb or shoot and kill him or his buddies. Or, he can shoot first possibly saving his life, his comrade's lives, and the life of some snot-nosed reporter tagging along to get some footage for his masters back in the US. This occurred a few days ago. Without any perspective or journalistic integrity at all, the liberal news media jumped all over this story. Let the anti-American propaganda begin! Instantly talking heads began quoting the Geneva Conventions and condemned this Marine as a murderer. Meanwhile national and international media outlets are labeling the enemy we are fighting as "insurgents" or even "freedom fighters". Again, just like at Abu-Ghraib, the liberal media attacks our military and sides with the enemy. If we had our media of today back in the 1940's, we would all either be speaking German, Japanese, or we would all be lamp shades. The investigation had not even started and CNN, CBS, and the others were already claiming war crimes had been committed. This is the same media that let John Kerry get through an election campaign without answering one question about the war crimes he admitted to committing in Vietnam. I will not condemn nor exonerate this man until an investigation has been completed. The liberal media should try doing the same. One last thing.... The enemy in Iraq is not covered under the Geneva Conventions. These terrorists should not be afforded rights and protection under the Geneva Conventions unless they adopt a military uniform. The Conventions applies only to the uniformed armies of a state, and terrorists do not meet this criteria. In no way do I advocate the inhumane treatment of enemy prisoners or the indiscriminate killing or destruction of non-military people and objects. However, when terrorists use a Mosque to launch attacks it is no longer protected. These terrorists are thugs, murderers, and are evil. They kill innocents, behead helpless hostages, and only seek death and destruction. You cannot reason with these monsters, and they will not play by our rules. They must be destroyed. It is not pretty. War is always ugly and it is truly Hell on Earth. It is made all the more difficult when our national elite media insists on siding with our enemies. When you undermine our war effort by manipulating public opinion and destroying support for our troops, you give hope to an enemy that has no reason to have hope. When this happens, they are urged to fight a little longer and a little harder and that is getting American boys killed. Think long and hard before tuning into CNN, CBS, or reading the NY Times. These news organizations long ago sold their honor and journalistic soul in order to further their own cause, whatever their twisted ends may be. Remember, whether you support our politicians or not, always support our troops. To get them home soon we must win a war of perception at home, so the anti-military leftists in the media must be defeated if we are to defeat the terrorists. God Bless America, and God Bless the brave men and women willing to fight for and protect us.



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