Friday, October 15, 2004

Where's Muslim Outcry?

"Muslins took to the streets around the world today to march in protest of the recent wave of violence perpetrated in Russia by Islamic radicals. "We condemn any person, especially a Muslim, who would shoot a fleeing child in the back." said one of the protestors. "These pigs are murderers, not Muslims. They shame Allah rather than honor him."
Estimates of the numbers of Muslims marching worldwide to protest violent acts in the name of Islam numbered in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps the millions.

Now do any of you remember reading anything like that in your newspaper over the weekend? I didn't think so. You didn't, and neither did I. We didn't read such a story because something like that didn't happen .. and hasn't happened since Islamic jihadists declared war on the West.
The last I heard over 200 schoolchildren were killed by those Islamic terrorists in Russia on Friday. Some of these kids were shot in the back as they were trying to flee. The New York Times wrote of one child who walked up to one of his captors to ask for a glass of water. Without so much as a second thought the Islamic bastard ran the child through with his bayonet.
As this presidential election campaign begins in earnest, you need to remember these women crying over their dead children outside that Russian school. You need to keep in your mind the image of Arabs opening fire on school children as they tried to flee that building. Yes, I said "Arabs." Russians report now that at least 10 of the Muslims holding these children hostage were Arabs. There are also reports of Al Qaeda involvement with the Islamic terrorists who murdered these kids.
I wonder if John Kerry will share with us sometime this week just how you fight a "more sensitive" war on Islamic goons who will shoot children in the back.
I wonder also if the news media in this country will finally start identifying the enemy for what it is ... Islamic radicals, not "hostage takers;" Islamic terrorists, not "radicals;" Islamic murderers, not "gunmen."
There is no negotiating with these people, there is not "sensitive" way to deal with them. Islamic terrorists must be sought out, identified and destroyed. The ONLY thing they understand is the application of brute force.
This whole thing about Islam being a wonderful religion of peace is starting to wear a bit thin. It may well be that the vast majority of devout Muslims in the world simply want to live their lives in accordance with their religious teachings without violence and without bothering anyone else. If that is so, then those peace loving Muslims are going to have to show that they are as disgusted, distressed and fed up with the actions of Islamic terrorists as the rest of us are. Instead, I suspect that what we will see is more condemnation of those who cross the politically correct line and identify the terrorists for what they are .... Muslims.
We're are war, folks. We need to act like it.

Neal Boortz



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